Lets all Ducks push to get some sponsorship, this will help to get new strips for all the teams but we need everyone to help.
As you have all probably seen on we are looking to get sponsorship to raise funds for the club.
Please can everyone at the club try to get someone to buy a box for the draw? It would be great to have everyone involved to help add additional funds to the club so that we can subsadise things in the future.
See the below details of what we have on offer.
Dundee Ducks are looking to raise club funds through sponsorship. We are offering a low cost high reward opportunity, where we will do a random draw for all the interested businesses.
The winner will be utilised on our social media on game days and public skating.
We are looking to get as manay businesses involved as possible and will reward 1 in 10 to be the Dundee Ducks main sponsors (100 entries 10 winners)
Entry will close 31st October
Entries @ £100 winners will be drawn at random and will receive a season long advertising.
Please email Rink.dundeeducks@outlook.com or contact Scott Dolan.
Package offers of a box in the draw and either a banner or vinyl display are being offered at £50 discount
Square and Banner - £200
Square and Vinyl - £300
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